Committed to Europe

Our main focus is towards the European Electronics market and therefore, we need to focus our services on the needs of our European electronics designers and the European legislation concerning, RoHS, REACH, Conflict Minerals


RoHS and more …
We commit to base materials that allow Lead Free soldering


Reach the story.

Conflict Minerals

Conflict Minerals, the story.


Investing in Europe


The biggest part of our operation is in Europe. We sell, administer, produce and above all live in Europe. Therefore the environment and the air we breathe and the water we drink are precious to Eurocircuits and its staff. But also all the Europeans who live here are part of our habitat. They deserve our respect and help where we can.

We Live in the Environment where we Manufacture


  • Environmental
    We cherish our environment and clean our water, use renewable energy where we can and interact weel with local communities.
  • Energy conscious
    Saving on water en energy in general is an ongoing project piloted at management level.


We Employ Europeans


  • We employ skilled Europeans
  • We do NOT have Child labour
  • We pay Fair salaries
  • We respect social security


Committed to our European customers of today and tomorrow


  • Students and workshops
    Eurocircuits are committed to help where we can with knowledge concerning PCBs and their Assembly. We lecture at schools and universities and create workshops around specific subjects. We have an educational section on our website where we explain how a PCB is made. Last but not least we support numerous educational student projects as they are our customers of tomorrow and even more important, they are the developers of the electronics that we will all use tomorrow.
  • Eurocircuits TV
    Educate and inform the market are the goals of Eurocircuits TV.


We are Financially Committed to Europe


  • Paying our taxes correctly within the European community. These taxes contribute to our Western way of live and to the future of our children. We therefore contribute to the formation of new electronics design engineers that can contribute again to our wealth and future.